Outcome of the student workshop for Klimale 2014 in Laboe.
Poster: Tobias Hoss
Sandbags for flood protection used as visual representation of the event’s main topic:
coastal protection in the face of climate change.
»Meeresspiegel«: Bozena Mozolewska
The german word for sealevel directly translates as »seamirror«.
»Problems can never be solved with the same mindset, by which they were created.« (Albert Einstein): Tobias Hoss
»Meeresspiegelanstieg« / »Sealevel rise« on flood protection wall: Sascha Gremmel
»Climate-info-trail«: Eva Köhle
Barbara Smułkowska
»Sandbag trainings camp«: Whole group
Poetry Slam & Impro Theatre
Lettering made out of sandbags on a construction fence.
Short documentary by Malte Blockhaus